War Memorials
The parish has three war memorials to those who gave their lives in the Second World War. These are located at New Marnoch Church, in Old Marnoch Church and outside Culvie School.
The combined list of those lost in WW2 1939 – 1945 who appear on the memorials at Old Marnoch (O), New Marnoch (N) and Culvie (C) is:
Norman Allan (O,N)
Jack Angus (O,N)
William Brand (O,N,C)
Andrew Clark (O,N)
Johm G Duncan (O,N)
Alexander Gibb (O,N)
Alexander C Inglis (O,N)
Colin B Innes (O)
James Innes (O,N)
David B Johnstone (O,N)
Charles M McDonald (O,N,C)
Robert Milne (O,N)
Lily Mitchell (O,N)
George A Morrison (O,N)
George T S Paterson (O,N,C)
Joseph Porter (O,N)
James Smith (O,N)
John M Stilson (O,N)
James Webster (O,N)
John C Thomson (N)
Dustan Wallace (N)