1966 To Present
Causewayend Estate From Turriff Road, 2015
The half century beginning in 1965 saw the area of the burgh double as both local authority and private housing spread from the east end of North Street, on either side of Causewayend Quarry, towards Corskie. In all, 220 houses were added to the village’s stock over this period.
By 1966 the Town Council was moving to a new housing strategy which was to swell the number of council houses greatly and lead to an expansion of the burgh boundary. Although it still had a few uninhabitable properties to replace, and would use Government grants to improve its older council houses, it would now concentrate on greenfield building at Corskie.
Within the old burgh boundary existing private houses were improved and new ones built on gap sites. But the biggest change came when L A Anderson started a private housing development to the east of Causewayend Quarry. This attempt to attract new blood to the village, together with his local authority contracts, allowed him to become the largest employer in Foggie, with a staff of around a hundred, many of them apprentices who would later go into business for themselves.