Common Good & Other Funds
The local charitable funds administered by the Town Council, including the Common Good Fund and John Anderson Fund, continued to be operated by Banff & Buchan District Council for the benefit of OAPs, the medical practice and various community organisations including the Amenities Association. As well as continuing in its original role of maintaining Cleanhill Wood, the Amenities ran fundraising dances in the Memorial Hall, which paid for Christmas parcels for OAPs and other activities. Dwindling numbers of members led to the association winding up in 2004, when its remaining assets were distributed to local groups.
Back row (l to r):
Mark McGregor (Scouts), Billy Forrest (St Marnan’s Youth FC), Lyndsey Shand (Mothers & Toddlers), Heather Campbell (Playgroup), David Beckley (Scouts).
Front row (l to r):
Sandra Spackman (Scouts), Alison Mackie (Pensioners), Davie Chalmers (Amenities), Margaret Smith (last manager of Rose Innes Home), Sandra Beaton (Brownies)
Mark McGregor (Scouts), Billy Forrest (St Marnan’s Youth FC), Lyndsey Shand (Mothers & Toddlers), Heather Campbell (Playgroup), David Beckley (Scouts).
Front row (l to r):
Sandra Spackman (Scouts), Alison Mackie (Pensioners), Davie Chalmers (Amenities), Margaret Smith (last manager of Rose Innes Home), Sandra Beaton (Brownies)